
Part of Speech : AN

English Translation : ,


Penobscot Form English Translation Part Of Speech
1) someone, somebody, 2) anyone, anybody, pron.
áwenik; pl.
áwinil obv.,
áwenəhi pl.
→áwen na èyit ìyoˊ Who is here?
áwen òwaˊ Who is this one?
áwen owa sénαpeˊ Who is this man?
áwen wečkáwihlαtˊ Who is coming?
áwen kə̀yaˊ Who are you?
áwen na sénαpeˊ Who is that man?
áwen wən na sénαpeˊ Who is that man? [deictic]
áwen nik áwenikˊ Who are these so and so's (people)?
áwen kisihóskəsaˊ Who made you?
kekʷ mèhsi kisihóskəsaˊ Why did he make you?
áwen naˊ Who is he?
áwen na èyitˊ Who is there?
áwen na èyit ìyeˊ;
áwen na èyit niˊ Who is there?
